About: The Artist!

Real name: Cipriano
Birth date: March, 27th, 199x
Nationality: American

Aspiring comic writer and illustrator here. I do my best to please everyone but I’m also keenly aware that isn’t possible so I tend to stick to my own style of things. I can be overly ambitious, yet a total slacker a lot of the time. My hobbies consist of gaming, drawing, writing, piano and role-playing. 

I’ve always been an aspiring artist, ever since the last half of elementary school. I’ve always had raw talent for it but one could say because of that I didn’t think too much to apply myself further and learn more techniques until it was too late. Now I’m only a decent artist but certainly not anything to sneeze at either! However recently I’ve discovered that, more than an artist, I’m a world builder. 

It came naturally since childhood. I’d always be the one leading the loose stories and laying out the world for me and my friends whenever we’d play “gunz”. I started my first series at middle school called “Dragoonu” (I might remake it in the future) and developed it for years until around high-school where I created my current series “Demons through Darkness”. What was once secondary in my mind became my primary project, I put all my focus into the newer series since then up until now. While I pride myself in my world building I am also aware of the fact that it’s more of a hobby and that I don’t write at professional levels of detail. Maybe one day. 

Growing up wasn’t too rough but it did have its snags. Mostly because I’ve always suffered severe depression, anxiety and ADHD all my life. While I didn’t think much of it as a kid, as an adult I can definitely feel how they affect me. It makes my adult life that much more difficult, but I refuse to give up. However it also makes reading a total pain for me and it doesn’t really help my ability to write due to a lack of book reading. But thankful I have plenty of people to help and support me along the way! 

About: The Alias – Dazreiello!

        Dazreiello is a character I once created for a short Role Play involving an older version of my Demons through Darkness series. Starting off as just a reaper I eventually took the name and redesigned him to be an actual persona of mine for my online presence. Coming in many forms he fits in just about anywhere I fit into it, namely the Anime and Furry communities. He is loosely based on my own looks, well, at least, as I get older I believe I start to look different but Daz doesn’t age so not much changes with him… Oh and the name was inspired by Renaissance artists.

        It wasn’t long before I turned him into an anomalous character, a being beyond infinite comprehension to give him a proper enough cameo or influence as a self insertion of my series. It is also just generally fun to play with bizarre ideas with other people who interact with him. It also matches my own inconsistencies in personality traits and tendencies, I myself can be quite anomalous but then again can’t we all sometimes? Not much more to be said unless I want to get into the simplexities of Daz’s existence and abilities, but I can reveal that overtime across many posts.

About: Special Credits!

There are plenty of people who helped me with everything ranging from things that directly aided the development of my work to things that indirectly aided it. These are at least the people who allowed themselves to be mentioned! Give them a round of applause! (No particular order.)

Rumiko the Fox:
        She has a tremendous influence on a whole lot of what I make. I call upon her for a lot of her great opinions and advice! I am so thankful for her being one of my closest friends ever, in fact, that she and her characters also have some influence within my series’ themselves, but exactly how is up to you to find out! By helping me sort through my thoughts and, with her writing experience, guiding me away from critical writing errors, she helps me create things that might be more enjoyable! Big thanks to the foxy!

BlackArmsGeneral2.0 (BaG2.0):
        He’s been there for me and my series since the beginning, since even Demons through Darkness was still only a second thought. Before Rumiko, there was BaG2.0 to give sound opinions and advice with his analytical talents yet compassionate mind. Even today he still guides me through a lot whenever I ask him. Just like a lot of people in this list he is a lover of games and anime, but he doesn’t fall for just any game or anime and it’s that critical nature I respect a lot and encourage to be used when reviewing my writing! We go way back to the Highschool Era.


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